Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Body positivity: a srs movement for srs times.

Today I'd like to taek a minute of your time to talk about a very important aspect of modern faith called "body positivity". If you are like me (likely), you got this wrong, so here are some tips for you on things to avoid:

Apparently this is doing it wrong. Although intuitive, this expression of positivity toward a body is frowned upon among the body positivity community. It's important to be warned of this before you go digging up corpses to post to body positivity forums. Or not, whatever.

Bodies of work are also a no-no, as they would require reading to appreciate. NOT EVERYONE CAN READ, SHIT LORD.

Remember Jessica Biel (2003)? That was cool.

Apparently this is also doing it wrong. My mistake here was to be positive about someone's body that isn't hugely fat like Jabba the Hutt. Some people argue that this movement is as stupid as pro-ana (trolling kids by telling them to be anorexic), as it also causes the impressionable to recklessly damage their health while acting smug about it (at least, as smug as a great big giant fat blob can act). These people are wrong, for reasons noone understands, but everybody takes for granted.

Show your support for body positivity in the comments!!!

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