Wednesday 21 January 2015

In defence of cowardice

"I taught you how to read you psychopathic ingrate. Go to your room"
Why is this girl always asking her poor dad what he did in the war? Every time I look at this picture she's harping on this stupid question. Here's what he did, General Ripper: he's still alive (although looking at his pained expression, maybe he regrets it).

Note that the guy's hair is dark, while his kids have blonde hair, which is statistically impossible. They're not even his, and they're mad at him because he didn't die fighting their real daddies: the Nazis.

Being a coward is an evolutionary advantage because cowards rarely get killed, as we're too good at running away. There is significant reason to believe if our ancestors weren't pussies, we never would have made it past the sabre-toothed-tiger-food stage of our development. This would have meant no Beatles, and no Return of the Living Dead. Nowadays there is little imperative to survive, due to our declining entertainment media. Time will tell whether cowards will be thinned out of the herd accordingly, but probably yes.

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