Tuesday 16 December 2014

Movie Tuesday Presents: ¿Onibaba?

Onibaba is the best movie ever.

When most people think of Japan, they think of squids banging schoolgirls, Godzilla, Sumo wrestling, sushi, and samurais, in that order. I've never been to Japan, but if it’s not all like that then I can’t imagine not being disappointed. Anyway, whatever. Onibaba is the best Japanese movie I've seen, and I've seen at least five.

Onibaba is about two women who live in a field of super tall grass and ambush samurais who stop by, so they can sell their stuff. They toss the bodies in a pit that goes straight down but doesn't lead anywhere. How did the pit get there? Did someone dig straight down until they couldn't get out again? What a dumbass.

Onibaba sort of feels like two movies. The first part has a guy come home from war and try to get in the younger woman’s pants (they don’t have names, because that makes them more universal. Names are for popcorn movies). It all seems to be playing like a drama with the younger woman torn between her mother-in-law and this guy’s affections. Then at some point, with a sort of dream logic, it switches to a horror movie, as this guy with a mask appears. I won’t spoil what happens but it’s pretty sweet. You should definitely see it. The word for this movie is: “atmosphere”.

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