Creepy Pasta XXVI: In Which Skinwalkers Attack!!!

Posted 06/06/2016, at 06:06:06 am GMT:

Greetings netizens. Before I begin this harrowing tale of horror, let me state that this is in no way a false tale. Like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it is inspired by true events. The following really happened to me and my six friends in the Autumn of 2011, no matter what Kevin says. He said it was true at the time, he's just butt hurt against me because I told everyone his tulpa was a fleshlight from Argos.
The most important thing to know about the horrifying entities known as Skinwalkers is that they can take the form of anyone, even your closest friends...even YOU. Had I known this - had I paid heed to the warnings of paranormal phenomena experts on this very site - my friends might all be alive today, and not just that ass hole Kevin, who was really scared and pissed his pants and doesnt want anyone else to know. Suck on it, Kevin. Suck it hard.
Skinwalkers go back to ancient Native American times, and many cave paintings depict them in the form of ordinary humans, wolves, or bears. Many factions in the intelligence community want you to believe these are just bear/wolf/people paintings, but you can tell by the irregular margins, just trust me. After the events of that one harrowing Autumnal equinox, I spoke to many tribespeople in search of answers. Most regarded me coolly, and wanted nothing to do with me. I can only surmise this was because even to breach the subject with them is to invite the ill-omened creatures to turn their paranormal attentions towards you.
We set out in early October, when the leaves are in full fall. I was the leader, not Kevin, and we soon made camp in the woods outside [REDACTED BY THE GOVERNMENT!!!]. Terri and Toni wanted to roast marshmellows. Little did they know, they would soon be the ones being devoured by the Skinwalkers.
Upvote me if you want me to continue!!!

Posted 07/06/2016, at 06:06:06 am GMT:

OK, so nobody upvoted or replied to my first post, but I wrote ten of these, so I'm going to post them anyway. I only hope that my words may reach one person who's thinking of camping out in the woods and make them reconsider. If this tale ends up saving only one life, I'll consider it time well spent away from Pornhub and Ebaumsworld.
Our first encounter with the Skinwalker would not be recognised for what it was until much later. We heard a voice from Terri's tent that we assumed was her, but later she said she had no recollection of what she said. It sent a chill down my spine later when I realised that this was actually the Skinwalker in her tent, talking to her mom on the phone. The vile thing even told her mom she'd forgot to bring the can opener - no doubt a pre-emptive ploy by the foul fiend to get rid of it so we'd all starve, which it did. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Anyone who's ever gotten near a Skinwalker can tell you that the first thing that you notice is off is the smell. Some say they smell like rotting meat, and others say they smell like garbage. But for me the smell was akin to the smell of a skunk that's eaten rotten compost for the past six weeks and had severe constipation, and then it shits and sprays at the same time. Really rank. It made us all puke loudly several times. But, again, I'm getting ahead of myself.
It all started when I tried to get the girls to go skinny dipping with me, but ONLY as a joke, shut up Kevin. I only wanted to see what they'd say because it would be like a movie haha, but then Kevin wouldn't shut up about it so I got really mad and I resolved to pee in his sleeping bag. No one defames the honour of the group leader, Kevin. No one.
My wrists are getting a litle sore from all this typing so let me know if you want me to continue. Please upvote me, or I might not post any more. It's really upsetting to work so hard on something and then no one even reads it. I'll check again in the morning and see if anyone's reading. By the way, I'm single in case anyone was too intimidated to ask.

Posted 08/06/2016, at 06:06:06 am GMT:

I see what;s going on here you guys. I can see my posts are being shadow banned because SOMEone doesn;t want the truth to get out. For your information I'll be contintuing the story over on Discord. PM me if you want an invite to my Discord, because I'll have to do some heavy vetting, as I don;t want the G-men following me there. Don't try and haxx me either because I'm tight with some real deep web pros who'll make you disappear. I mean it.

Posted 06/06/2016, at 06:06:06 am GMT:

OK, so I'll give this one last try, in case anyone out there is listening. So TL;DR: the Skinwalker kept taking over everyone in the group, killing them and eating them I guess. Kavin was really scared so I told him I'd take the shovel and go smack the Skinwalker about the head. I crept up to it, all 400 lbs of muscle treading as quietly as only a master of Bushido can do, and I smacked it hard with all my might, but I overbalanced and landed in the grass at its feet.
Even though I hit it really hard it wasn;t fazed, which is how you know it was a Skinwalker not a real human being. I hit Billy Jackson really hard one time when he made fun of my cape in high school, so I know I can land a devastating blow when it comes down to it. That little fag cried for a week after I hit him and he kicked me in the nuts like a coward and got expelled.
Anyway while I was down in the grass I went into a seizure that can happen sometimes when I don;t get my six muffins for the day. Because of the dastardly skinwalker taking the can opener all the others had got hungry and stolen my muffins like the monsters they were. Who are the REAL Skinwalkers? Think about it. I did. I did as I lay there in the grass cramping up, my bladder spasming with alpha rage at the injustice of my less enlightened fellow campers.
When I came to I was in the hosptial. There was no sign of the Skinwalker. They said I'd passed out and soiled myself, which I can only assume was the work of the foul Skinwalker defecating on me to dissolve my proteins like Jeff Goldblum in the Fly.
It was only weeks later that I realised the nurse who told me all this never told me her name. I think she was a Skinwalker.

Don;t go into the woods unprepared, fellow netizens. I did, and I never heard from any of my friends again. I can only tell you what I know in my capacious gut: that they suffered a fate worse than death, at the hands of an alien, and evil beast.

V@per666 out.

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