Monday, 2 February 2015

Movie Whatever Presents: Prom Nighte§æÕ±*þƒ?ø▓<♥éSÐ

Prom Night is one of the all time classics of the slasher movie genre. It has all the classic elements you need for great success: the title is a day, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Leslie Nielsen is just randomly there.

The thing I like the most about Prom Night is the killer, who wears a ski mask and kills people with a shard of glass, and later an axe. I like him because he's the unluckiest killer ever, taking moar pratfalls than the average Laurel and Hardy. After spending the movie's best action sequence getting his ass kicked by a partially sighted fat guy in a van...

He's also high as fuck.
...The killer then sneaks into the girls' bathroom to off his next victim. To avoid being spotted in the mirror, the killer turns off the lights...and misses, because he can't see what he's doing!

He then forgets his axe and has to come back for it. This really happens.
Then near the end of the picture he decapitates the wrong person and electrocutes himself.

You'd think all this stuff would happen to Jason, since he's the one who kills on Friday the 13th.
Besides the killer's lovable antics, the best reason to watch Prom Night is still the disco score and dance routines, which are HILARIOUS. Like, I mostly laugh at other people getting sick and stuff, but this is SUPER funny.

If you went to a pretend-American Canadian high school in 1980, this was your life.
Despite being way moar funny than scary, Prom Night is worth watching and still has its creepy moments. It's not the kind of movie you admire so much as the kind of movie you would like to kick back and watch sitcoms with. Prom Night is a pretty cool guy.

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